Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy

But we also want to know how our site is used!

Like many others, this website uses Google Analytics to collect information on how users interact with the site. This anonymous information is helpful for us to understand how often the site is being used and where users are spending the most time. By identifying which applications and information are most used, we are able to prioritize and focus our efforts to continue the development of the website.

Google Analytics uses ‘cookies’, which are small text files that are stored on your machine to log visitor behaviour, including geographic location (at country or city level), and time spent on different pages. No personal information is collected. All website trends are reported without identifying individual users.

What do we do with your data?

Although the Barefoot Ecologist’s Toolbox website is freely hosted with GitHub pages, and relies on a large number of open-source software packages, there are costs associated with maintaining the website. These costs include server charges for the interactive applications, and the development and maintenance of the website content.

The running costs of the Barefoot Ecologist’s Website currently are generously supported by funders (see About Us). Furthermore, the website also relies on the voluntary collaboration of a number of individuals to keep the site updated, and continue the development of new applications.

The statistical information from Google Analytics is used to generate reports on the general usage of the site. These reports are used to prioritize future developments, and to provide the funders with information on the effectiveness of this website as a tool for practitioners working with data-limited fisheries.

Don’t want to be tracked?

Decided that you don’t want to be included in the Google Analytics statistics? No problem. You can opt out of Google Analytics here.